The fact is, Caroline continues. Whether you like the form it takes is down to preference. Fans will have a favourite period of formatting, programming, etc. that they wish continued now but their opinions are largely irrelevant because they aren't influential or aren't in charge. It's akin to a favourite band or artist changing direction - e.g. David Bowie had many different phases of musical style through his career and there will, no doubt, be fans who'd wished he'd stuck with his 'sound' from "The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars"
Available information tells us that if it weren't for Peter Moore and his team, Caroline and the Ross Revenge would be no more. Didn't Ronan say, in reference to Moore, "if it weren't for this guy, there would be no Caroline"?
Perhaps someone else would've assumed the helm if Peter hadn't but the fact is they didn't and again, that's history, can't be changed and, as the saying goes, we are where we are. Regardless of whether I agree with all his decisions, I admire the man; I could not take on and persist with the stress and struggle of the responsibility he undertook.
Similarly, fans of Radio 1 might reminisce and wish for the return of Bruno Brooks, Steve Wright, DLT, Simon Bates and other alumni of that era.
It's easy to knock a decision maker or suggest improvements but striking out and making those commitments and decisions in the first place is the hard part. I think the achievements are impressive: the ship, the land based studios, the website, the roster of presenters, the fact that there's very little automated programming, the long desired AM outlet (to mention just a few) and that it's all been done without simply selling the very marketable station name to a radio conglomerate.
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