AM radio as a means of entertainment is rapidly being killed off as old technology. Because it is no longer fit for purpose in the British Isles, it was no wonder that the British Crown agency agreed to give Malcolm Smith and his cronies a tiny AM station license called 'Radio Caroline'.
But in pretending that their new and insignificant 'Radio Caroline' is related to the original 'Radio Caroline' of 1964, Malcolm Smith is merely revealing himself to be a boot-licking lacky of the British Crown. Smith was bought to cover-up any enquiries in depth about the origins of the British Post Office, and it was the Crown Post Office which sought to get the original 'Radio Caroline' of 1964-1967, off the air.
The current Crown Post Office 'Scandal' (human rights crime), is merely an attempt to limit any further investigation as to who set-up the Crown Post Office, and why they set it up. Malcolm Smith is now a willing participant in this cover-up which has claimed lives, ruined marriages and bankrupted individuals.
Smith does not care. He has a Crown license for his tiny AM station which his gullible supporters pay pension money to keep on the air. Shame on them as well! Malcolm Smith's 'Radio Caroline' is is all about money and power, and Malcolm Smith wants a slice of both using his reprehensible lie called 'Radio Caroline'.
Just as it took the sub-postmasters decades to unravel the crimes committed against them by the Crown Post Office, the same is true of this investigation which began in 2014 and has been well-documented since then.
We began by disproving one lie after another, and just when we thought we had uncovered the real story, lo and behold another batch of related and foundational lies were uncovered.
Malcolm Smith may indeed mock this investigation as he did a day or so ago on a 'pirate radio' bulletin board, but the days of Malcolm Smith's guffawing and lying are drawing to a close. There is a book on its way, and combined with a mini-exhibition and an invitation for all who are interested to join with us in our continuing endeavor to uncover as much as we can about true events of the past, it will explain the true story behind the creation of the original 'Radio Caroline' (1964-1967).
Malcolm Smith seems to have his own propaganda wordsmith named Ray Clark who keeps publishing the 'real story' and the 'true story' about 'Radio Caroline', when in fact Ray Clark is merely putting into print the lies and deception first spun by Ian Cowper Ross, broadcast by BBC-TV, and now whispering on the dying AM airwaves of Malcolm Smith's insignificant toy radio station. The days of Ray Clark and his now discredited disciple Paul Rusling are drawing to a close, because the actual story is about to emerge from the shadows of censorship.
But it seemed as if that the dying band of anoraks who believed in the big lie spun in 1990 by Ian Cowper Ross with support from Ronan O'Rahilly and broadcast over BBC television as a true documentary, had 'paid-off' for them, and for the Crown. Well, that was until an ITV drama grabbed hold of the British public which documentaries and non-fiction works had failed to do.
We are not (at this moment, but maybe later), planning a TV drama to expose Smith and the Crown, but we are planning on imitating the success of a journalist from Falkirk, Scotland who took control of America's biggest fake news tabloid to gain a massive audience in the millions, only our news will not be fake, it will be the truth. That same journalist was responsible for helping to create the myth about 5-6 years old Caroline Kennedy, daughter of the murdered US President.
While the cover of our book will resemble a tabloid, and its front cover headlines will raise a lot of questions about a lot of related topics - all of which have an immediate interest to the majority of people who live in the British Isles today - it will not be a book about a dead con-man named Ronan O'Rahilly! It will be a book that concerns the wealth (or lack thereof), and safety of everyone living in the British Isles, but it will also sink the rubbish promoted by Ray Clark about Ronan O'Rahilly!
It is now time to bring down the curtain on Malcom Smith's little gift from the Crown by exposing his AM station for what it was: a bribe.
Malcolm Smith was bought-off by the British Crown and all it cost them was an obsolete AM license.
Shame on Malcolm Smith and his tiny band of brainwashed loonies.
Your days of being able to lie unchallenged, are numbered.
Exposure is on its way.
To quote Malcom Smith's latest rant:
Maybe this "will get you started" on the road to worrying about how you will explain your own actions to date.
Round two
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